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How to organize a successful team-building event? Check out our tips from company retreat in the mountains

Ever wonder how to bring your remote and in-office teams together for some real face time? We’ve got you covered. At our software house, we recently tackled this challenge head-on with a killer combo of Dev Day and a mountain retreat. Here’s how we pulled it off and what we learned along the way.

Why We Needed This

Let’s face it: Slack and Zoom are great, but nothing beats in-person connections. With our team split between remote and office-based folks, and some new faces joining since our last get-together, we were itching for some quality time together.

Kicking Things Off with Dev Day

Team building Coditive Dev Day
Team building Coditive Dev Day

We started strong with our internal training session, Dev Day. It wasn’t your typical snooze-fest of PowerPoints. Instead, we dove into:

  1. Becoming a pragmatic programmer
  2. Optimizing development with Gutenberg’s blocks
  3. Mastering WP-CLI custom commands
  4. Real-world Jira hacks
  5. Why component-based development is the future

Want more of this good stuff? Check out our blog at for more tech insights and fun IT facts.

Mountain Escape: Where the Magic Happens

After flexing our brain muscles, it was time to chill. We headed to Istebna, a gorgeous mountain village that felt like a world away from our screens.

Here’s what made it awesome:

  • Hiking through stunning scenery
  • Catching the Euro 2020 Poland-Spain match (1-1, if you’re curious)
  • Epic barbecue sessions
  • Plenty of unstructured time to just hang out

Pro Tips for Your Own Team Retreat

  1. Mix work and play: Start with some learning, then transition to relaxation. This balance keeps the event productive while allowing time for team bonding and fun.
  2. Choose a killer location: Nature works wonders for team bonding. Look for venues that offer a change of scenery from the usual work environment, ideally with outdoor activity options.
  3. Keep it casual: Unstructured time is where the real connections happen. Don’t over-schedule. Allow plenty of free time for spontaneous interactions and natural relationship-building.
  4. Create lasting memories: Simple touches like custom t-shirts can make a big impact. Consider small, personalized items that will remind team members of the positive experience long after the event.
  5. Include Remote Members: Use technology creatively to involve team members who can’t attend in person. Live streams or virtual meetups can help bridge the gap and ensure everyone feels included.
  6. Gather Feedback: Conduct a post-event survey to understand what worked well and what could be improved. This information is invaluable for planning future events and showing team members their opinions matter.
  7. Prepare for Challenges: Have backup plans for weather changes, technical issues, or last-minute cancellations. Being prepared for potential setbacks will help the event run smoothly regardless of unexpected issues.
  8. Keep the Momentum: Implement regular team-building activities or rituals back at the office to maintain the positive energy. This could be monthly social hours or quarterly mini-events to reinforce the connections made during the main event.

The Aftermath

Two days flew by, but the impact? Massive. We came back energized, more connected, and already planning the next one.

Organizing a team-building event doesn’t have to be a headache. With the right mix of professional development and laid-back fun, you can create an experience that strengthens your team and leaves everyone pumped for the next one.

Ready to level up your team’s connection? Take these tips and run with them. Trust us, your team will thank you.

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